Season 4 Episodes 1-7

EP 1: Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1

Rating: 6 4 6

Twilight is an egghead.

Twilight is an egghead.

Twilight sucks at flying and doesn't like the title of Princess as part of her name making her feel weird when her friends call her that. We also learn that the Summer Sun Celebration is in two days making this episode start on June 19 of year 5. This also means Twilight for the past eight months hasn't learned basic flight yet since Equestria Girls takes place in October of year 4 unless time is asynchronous between the worlds.

The theme song animation also has been changed with Discord now appearing in Fluttershy's window and the group photo consisting of many Ponyvillians instead of just the Mane 6.

So after the theme song, we see that the animation budget was increased or the animators decided to use new lighting techniques because this lighting is new and even the first time I watched MLP I remember thinking that the animation budget had to have been increased this season.

Better lighting

After looking at Twilight's mosaic depicting her ascension to becoming an alicorn, the other ponies mention how they have to leave Twilight alone in Canterlot because Mayor Mare wants them in Ponyville to do crap for Ponyville's Summer Sun Celebration. They should have just told the bitch "no" and stayed with Twilight. Mayor Mare's probably using misappropriated funds for the celebration anyways knowing her history.

In Twilight's room, Spike mentions that since they are ahead of schedule, they could make a quick trip to Ponyville and be back for the last of the work they have to do and then the celebration the day after tomorrow which pretty much confirms that Ponyville is pretty close to Canterlot. Then Celestia just appears and states how the Summer Sun Celebration used to just remind her of her banishing of Luna and can now look forward to it since it's now a reminder of Luna's reformation from Nightmare Moon. Twilight also gets a letter during Celestia's visit but refusing to read it stating it's "not important". Read your friends' letter, Twilight.

The next day, Twilight and Spike find that the sun and the moon are both in the sky at the same time and they treat this as a very strange event unlike in real life where you can see the moon during the day very often.

Back in Ponyville, the Everfree is invading and fucking with everyone and at Rarity's scene, we see that it's possible to hijack a unicorn's active magic and make it do stuff without control from the unicorn. Spike and Twilight decide to fly to Ponyville to help their friends and as Twilight is flying towards the library and can't come to a stop because she sucks at flying, she teleports in, leaving Spike outside and his inertia causes him to hit a window with a thud and I thought this was hilarious.

Twilight gets the Elements which she apparently just keeps in the library's front room on display which doesn't seem like a safe place to store one of Equestria's greatest defenses. I'm all for the freedom to put your weapons where you want no matter how safe or unsafe it may be but come on, Twilight, putting your actively used weapons on display is just stupid. It's like the uppity conservatives that just have to let the world know how much they love guns, pigs, and their false ideas of freedom; it's just advertising that you have guns to steal and that cops and would-be thieves (assuming there's a distinction) should operate on a shoot first policy, especially if you live somewhere with organized crime whether it be gangs or the government.

They suspect Discord is behind the mess and then summon him to confront him only for him to deny any of this being his doing and this whole scene is pretty funny with his antics. He also says Shutterfly which is trademarked and oh my god, who did the closed captioning? What the fuck is this? Is the ISO corrupted or was the closed captions writer on fucking crack?

Fucked up closed captions

They then come across Zecora and she gives Twilight a potion that turns her into a shitty programmer and she consumes the cum potion. Twilight finds herself elsewhere and Luna appears and turns into Nightmare Moon.

Herobrine sighting #11

Herobrine sighting #11

Ok so I did some experimentation and the closed captions are fine since converting from the ISO's episode to a video file has them displaying just fine. I don't know why the hell they look like a cracked-out monkey typed them in VLC. Also turns out the previous times where there were closed caption errors, it was also VLC fucking up somehow. What the fuck?

EP 2: Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 2

Rating: 5 4 6

We open with Nightmare Moon fighting Celestia and Nightmare Moon is trying to kill Celestia and gets a hit on her sending Celestia crashing down unmoving and Twilight unaware of the truth of the situation thinks she's fucking dead. This also potentially means Nightmare Moon is stronger than Celestia. Celestia gets up, gets the Elements and Twilight finally realizes she's seeing the past. We then see the moments that lead to Luna's banishment and this entire sequence was really cool.

Twilight snaps back to the present with everyone staring at her and they explain she was mumbling and uncontrollably sobbing which just sounds like a normal day to me. Discord thought Twilight's emotional breakdown was quite amusing though.

Twilight consumes more of the cum potion and now can only write if else statements. She appears back in the past this time witnessing the Alicorn Sisters defeating Discord and we can see that around this time, Equestrians lived in thatch houses. We also see that when Discord was turned to stone, he was laughing hysterically.

Thatch houses

Twilight then sees further into the past witnessing the Alicorn Sisters at the Tree of Harmony and retrieving the Elements. Upon returning to the present, we see Discord eating popcorn like he was eating seeds in the past which is foreshadowing I think. Or would it be called retroshadowing since it's connecting to the past?

They set off into the Everfree after the Tree of Harmony and after being attacked by a crackigator, the other 5 decide that the Everfree is too dangerous for the oh-so-important princess and they send her back to Ponyville where she'll be safe. Back alone through the Everfree Forest. Didn't quite think that one through now did they? This rejection hurts Twilight and now she knows what being an autist feels like except instead of having social incompetence, she has societal importance which really isn't that different if you really think about it.

Returning to Ponyville, Discord's trolling some ponies and Twilight comes explaining the situation to which Discord psychologically fucks with her to make her realize the mistake she made leaving her friends due to her importance as a princess. A true leader goes down with the ship. Also we get Twicane.


The other ponies find the Tree while Twilight gets lost and some plants begin gassing her with hydrogen sulfide and she has to be rescued by the other 5 nearby.

Pony eyebrows

I love ponies with eyebrows, especially SFM ponies.

So then they all meet at the Tree of Harmony and have to give up the Elements to restore the Tree. Best princess and Celestia are then also revealed to have been imprisoned there and are now free. Then the Tree reveals a lockbox which will be related to this season's primary arc.

Discord congratulates the ponies on saving the day and they tell him the Elements are gone which gives him some ideas but Fluttershy reminds him of their friendship dispelling Discord's ideas. He also becomes a maid.

Maid Discord

Then Discord reveals this whole mess happened because of the seeds he planted long ago and after giving Twilight more of the cum potion and making her game run like shit on even the highest-end hardware, she sees that the seeds Discord was eating in the flashback were what caused this. He also says the seeds should have sprouted ages ago which makes me think the seeds' strength to grow are connected to Discord being free since the Tree was able to inhibit their growth while he was stone. Discord also tells Twilight that he withheld this information so Twilight would learn a princess lesson which shows that Discord is the truest friend this episode. Episode ends on the Summer Sun Celebration which is June 21, the summer solstice for both the airing year 2013 and 2014, the year year 5 would be based on if 2010 is the show's epoch.

Part 1 gets 6 EV for being entertaining throughout the entire episode and having quite a few funny moments. Part 2 gets 5 EV because it was still just as thoroughly entertaining but wasn't as funny. 4 VB for the cool parts and Twilight learning to be a better leader not abandoning her friends because of her perceived importance. 6 DV because we get to see the events of Luna's banishment, the defeat of Discord, and learning about the Tree of Harmony.

EP 3: Castle Mane-ia

Rating: 5 6 4

This episode starts with Twilight failing to find information on the lockbox and Celestia tells her to search her and Luna's old castle. Upon arriving, Twilight finds the castle library full of books which apparently haven't succumbed to the Everfree's weather or rot.

Books unaffected by weather or rot

After the theme song, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are competing for most daring pony or some stupid shit like that. After they both reach an impasse, Pinkie explains how she volunteered to ring the school bell which just seems like a bullshit job. It's a single room schoolhouse so Cheerilee can just tell the foals when to do stuff or go home; the bell is completely unnecessary. And why does Applejack care about besting Rainbow Dash anyways? She seems to have bigger problems than being better than Rainbow Dash with her having to manage a farm and its business and crap. Rainbow Dash is just a weather wagie that doesn't have much else going on in her life and probably only does this stupid competitive crap to get some sense of accomplishment.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack competing to be most daring pony

Rarity is making Flutters travel through the Everfree and to the castle so she can get tapestries because she's a selfish bitch. Rarity also mentions retro ancient classical becoming a fashion thing or something in the future like she can predict fashion trends. I think the show also came up with the term retro ancient classical since it doesn't seem to be an actual aesthetic.

Now all the ponies have arrived at the castle and Rainbow Dash mentions how the castle is where they got the Elements. Rarity then makes Flutters do heavy lifting for her when she should be able to just use her magic. Then because Rarity is being bitch, Flutters triggers a switch flipping the wall around and ends up hurting her wing.

Flutters is hurt.

Back at Twilight's perspective, apparently she can read Old Ponish since she's reading the ancient books which contradicts the later seasons. She finds the book Celestia told her about. A bunch of antics ensue and Rarity continues to be a bitch.

Flutters face
Applejack face
Rainbow Dash face

Eventually after all the antics, all the ponies at the castle except Twilight bump into each other and freak the fuck out with Rainbow Dash flying around erratically and knocking a tapestry on Rarity making her run around screaming blinded. Flutters finds what she thinks is Angel only to see it be crushed by a pillar Applejack knocked over running around freaking her the absolute fuck out. Applejack then as Flutters is trying to rescue what she thinks is Angel jumps on the pillar that supposedly crushed him. This entire sequence was pretty funny.

Then Twilight makes them all stop and they later find Pinkie is also there and was trolling them all the whole time. They all regroup in one of the library rooms and after reading Celestia's diary, Twilight gets the idea for everyone to write in a journal their experiences and lessons replacing the letters to Celestia and keeping my VB ratings easier to explain.

5 EV for the pony antics being pretty entertaining and the ending freakout being really funny. 6 VB only because they decide to write their own journal for each other to learn from along with others in the future. I relate this to this website where I write about whatever I want with a lot of the articles I write having the intention of others learning from them. Seriously, get your own website instead of being internet peasants to Big Tech with their censorship-ridden social media. 4 DV for exploring the Sisters' Castle and starting the journal arc.

EP 4: Daring Don't

Rating: 4 4 5

Rainbow Dash states that the next Daring Do book is coming out in four months. Twilight then tells Rainbow Dash days later that the book's been delayed for two months. Twilight implies A.K. Yearling, author of Daring Do will still be writing the book for the next six months which doesn't allow for any time for editing and editing takes a long time. Editing is painful. Going through every single fucking thing I write over and over again to fix errors, cut bloat, and reword sentences is goddamn awful.

Twilight then reveals she's an A.K. Yearling stan stating she knows where she grew up, studied literature, and where she wrote the first Daring Do book. Rainbow Dash then wants to know where she lives. Twilight then conducts OSInt on Daring Do and finds where she lives and the Mane 6 go to A.K. Yearling's house. We see the path they take on a map and cross referencing it with the official map of Equestria, A.K. Yearling lives somewhere north of the mountains west of Galloping Gorge.

They then find A.K. Yearling's house but it's been trashed and they trespass. Then she comes home to find the ponies trespassing in her house and doesn't seem to care that much about the six strangers in her house that's been trashed. Then Rainbow Dash is cunt and tries to get her to work on writing but Twilight pulls her outside and they find actual home invaders to which A.K. Yearling reveals herself to be Daring Do.

A fight then ensues between Daring Do and the home invaders and Rainbow Dash distracts her leading to her defeat, an injury, and her ring thing she was protecting being stolen.

Daring Do upset

After Daring do leaves, Rainbow Dash and Twilight have a sperg battle over Daring Do lore. They decide to help Daring Do but Rainbow Dash sets off before a plan is made. She finds Daring Do but hesitates before going to her and hits herself in the face multiple times like a Coloradan schizophrenic. Daring Do then tackles her and Rainbow Dash proceeds to be an obnoxious cunt to her.

They then come across the home invaders to which Daring Do uses a barter check to get her ring thing back which almost succeeds until Ahuizotl appears and ruins it and he tries to get the ring from Daring Do prompting a sly line and we get this Dash face:

Rainbow Dash smirk

Ahuizotl then summons felines to attack Daring Do which leads to an actual fight showing Daring Do straight up punching and kicking these animals including a tiny kitten. Glad to see MLP still depicts violence.

So then Daring Do gets captured, she tells Rainbow Dash to fuck off and now Rainbow Dash is sad and her friends have to convince her to help them save Daring Do and they do. Afterwards, they disrupt Ahuizotl's plan and Daring Do reveals she planned getting captured so she could get inside the fortress. They succeed at destroying the fortress and Rainbow Dash gets the next Daring Do book a week early and she's on the cover.

Rainbow Dash on Daring Do cover

4 EV because it was entertaining enough. 4 VB because the episode depicts defensive violence. 5 DV because we learn Daring Do and her enemies are real and we see more of Equestria.

EP 5: Flight To The Finish

Rating: 4 5 4

We start this episode continuing the Equestria Games arc. Ms. Harshwhinny arrives at the school to tell the foals a team of them will be competing to do the flag carrying routine for Ponyville at the Games. The CMC then decide to make their own routine representing earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. We then get a song that's one of the better ones. Afterwards, Diamond Tiara insults them, says "everyone" and Scootaloo tries to respond semi-singing a line from the song and this is pretty amusing. I'm even rewinding this over and over again and it's still highly amusing. BUT WE'RE WINNERS! AND WE HAVE HEEEAAARTS~!

Next scene the CMC do their routine and we see that Scoots is strong enough to lift and hold a filly on each foreleg.

Scootaloo lifting Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle

Rainbow Dash thinks the CMC's routine was amazing but contains her enthusiasm as Ms. Harshwhinny told her and gives the CMC a mixed response. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon feel threatened by their routine and then fuck with Scoots and dig into her inability to fly and tell her how she shouldn't represent pegasi since she can't fly. This scene made me want to bash Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's face in. Would be far from the first time I battered a kid. Poor Scoots succumbs and decides her part isn't good enough and decides not to go to the Crystal Empire to perform the routine.

We then see Scootaloo's room and she's fucking upset throwing all her stuff away. Rainbow Dash and the other CMC come in to get her to come with them to the Crystal Empire and Rainbow Dash explains to her that she doesn't have to fly to be the most perfectest little pegasus filly. Then after being convinced to do the routine, Scootaloo drives the CMC all the way to the Crystal Empire herself somehow able to arrive in time.

CMC routine

4 EV for being pretty amusing and the song was pretty good. 5 VB for Scoots learning she doesn't need to fly to be the perfect pegasus and being able to represent pegasi through her character. 4 DV for Equestria Games continuity.

EP 6: Power Ponies

Rating: 3 2 4

So back when I first watched MLP, this was my least favorite episode. Back in 2014 was around the time superheroes were massively popular unironically and I couldn't stand any superhero shit at that point. I just hated the concept of overpowered people that always save the day almost without exception. Superheroes go against one of the things that make stories interesting: struggle, and I just couldn't stand this predictable, happy ever after crap that superheroes represent. I hated superheroes before it was cool. The only superhero stuff I actually like is stuff like Invincible or The Boys since they're satires of the genre.

So Spike has a comic he's trying to read during bedtime and he spergs out about it to Twilight. After the theme song, we see the ponies continuing with the old castle stuff this time fixing it. As the ponies are working, Twilight tells Spike to fuck off and go read his nerd shit so he does and finds the comic doesn't properly end with some tiny text appearing on the last page prompting him to get a magnifying glass which he states he remembered seeing somewhere. I went back to Castle Mane-ia to see if there was a magnifying glass in that room but there isn't one. So Spike finds one and reads the text and it pulls him and the ponies into the comic.

Now they're in the stupid superhero world and blah blah they try using their powers and fail. Then they go to the villain, Mane-iac's lair to confront her and are attacked by metrosexuals.

Metrosexual ponies

They fight and Rarity launches a guy at 12:32 and he is definitely dead now. Rarity smiles and is happy. Then the ponies get captured and Spike has to sneak around and save them and he does. The end.

Then when they exit the comic world, Spike reveals he got the comic at a store for enchanted comics which is why the comic had the ability to suck them into the world which makes me think that maybe it was a magically powered simulation and these exist in Equestria but that doesn't explain how Pinkie was able to bring cupcakes from the comic world into the real world nor why they physically traveled through a portal to the comic world. What would've happened if they lost or died in that world? Then the comic just disappears from existence making me think that maybe my simulation theory is correct but this particular comic was enchanted by someone intending harm on whoever read it or it was normal and the comic just disappears from existence because it's been activated and has no more magical energy and just disappears.

So this episode gets 3 EV because it's not boring at really any point but I still don't like this episode. 2 VB because I hate superhero shit. 4 DV because of the castle continuity.

EP 7: Bats!

Rating: 4 4 3

Applejack's harvest has been ruined by vampire fruit bats. She declares an emergency and makes everyone come to the farm and Twilight mentions how she thought the fruit bats stayed in the west orchard which is a continuity callback to Apple Family Reunion in season 3. Applejack complains more and shows off a giant apple and Flutters offers to talk to the vampire fruit bats to tell them to leave Applejack's farm alone. Flutters is now able to just straight up talk to and understand animals now as opposed to earlier seasons where she just seemed to have an understanding of animals' wants and needs with Angel being the only animal I remember her actually talking to. This makes me think Flutters talking to animals is actually a retcon.

Flutters face

Then we get the Bats song and it's fucking awesome! This is also my favorite remixed song. After the song, Flutters explains how the vampire fruit bats can help the orchard since they spit seed out and the seeds will grow into more apple trees. However, wouldn't the orchards have to be planted a specific way to optimize stuff? Seeds just being spit out in random places doesn't seem like it would actually be as beneficial as Fluttershy presents it.

Twilight devises a plan to cast a spell on the bats to make them lose their hunger for apples and after convincing Flutters to help, the plan succeeds. The bats no longer eat apples but will they now eat something else or did they lose their sense of hunger completely? If they now eat other things, it's possible it could mess up their digestive system harming them and if they lost their hunger completely, they'll just die. Rainbow Dash also mentions they can now drink cider all winter long making me think this episode takes place either soon before winter or early in it. Spike then accepts Applejack's thanks to everyone even though he did nothing and this part was pretty funny.

The next day, the problem persists and they all scope out the farm that night to find what's still causing the apples to be eaten. They find it's Fluttershy who's now Flutterbat and she's the one that's been eating the apples and when the ponies try to help her, she hisses like a floppa. Twilight gets the plan to get Flutterbat to do the stare on herself to turn her back and it works. But how did this work by just making her look at herself in the mirror? The stare is something she voluntarily has to do and just staring at herself isn't the stare. This wasn't thought out well.

After Flutters is turned back to normal, she asks Pinkie a yes or no question and her answer prompts Flutters saying "Yes I was or yes I wasn't?" which is a problem with languages that have binary yeses and nos. This is why it's best to mirror the question after a yes or no to make it clear. Some languages don't even have words for yes and no because this mirroring is more clear. The episode ends with Applejack giving the bats a section of the orchard.

4 EV because it was an alright episode. 4 VB for the message of saying no to things you don't agree with. 3 DV because there's no interesting development.

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Written 2024-11-20/21 Published 2024-12-1